Enter .edu in the Ready to Connect to field, then press the Connect button.In your Applications folder, go to the Cisco folder and double-click the Cisco An圜onnect Secure Mobility Client.NOTE: The VPN will not connect if you are connected to the FBRI wired or wireless network. The requirement to manually enable the software extension is an operating system requirement. Starting with macOS 10.13 High Sierra: During the installation, you will be prompted to enable the An圜onnect software extension in the System Preferences -> Security & Privacy pane.When you see this screen, UN-check everything with the exception of VPN: ( VPN option grayed out? Go here.).Double-click on An圜onnect.mpkg to run the installer, then follow the steps to complete the installation.An icon will appear on the desktop called An圜onnect, and a separate window will open.
Please skip to Starting the VPN Client below. NOTE: If you have an FBRI-provided Mac, the Cisco Anyconnect Client is already installed.